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1992-1993 years pics list

If any links do not work, please try again in a few minutes (I may be modifying the page at the moment). If the trouble persists, please e-mail me. And feel free to correct my mistakes in English, it's not my native language and I have never even been to any English speaking country. The dates below are the dates of putting the pics to the page.

Jul 08, 2003

1. Gadget playing chess colored pencil picture (from the unfinished 'Great Story')

2. Chip, Dale and Gadget colored pencil picture (from the unfinished 'Great Story')

3. Gadget with Foxglove and Dale colored pencil picture (from the unfinished 'Great Story')

Jul 10, 2003 - For all Foxyfilies I know

4. Foxglove's portrait colored pencil picture (from the unfinished 'Great Story')

5. Frowning Foxglove pencil sketch (from the unfinished 'Hollywood' story)

6. Foxglove on a suit-case pencil sketch (from the unfinished 'Hollywood' story)

7. Foxglove and Montery Jack pencil sketch (from the 'Before and After' story)

8. Foxy's dance flight pencil sketch (from the 'Before and After' story. Book 2.)

9. Foxy feels diggy pencil sketch (from the 'Before and After' story. Book 2.)

10. Sparky saves Foxy pencil sketch (from the 'Before and After' story. Book 2.)

11. Foxy hugs Sparky pencil sketch (from the 'Before and After' story. Book 2.)

12. Foxy's eyes pencil sketch (from the 'Before and After' story. Book 1.)

13. Dale and Foxy (classic pose) and Tammy felt pen sketch (from nowhere)

Jul 11, 2003

14. Zipper felt pen sketch (from nowhere)

15. Chip, Gadget, Zipper, Dale and Monty all together pen sketch (from nowhere)

Jul 23, 2003 Tammyphilia Day

16. Tammy in red color pens (from some unnamed and unfinished story) + NEW! Grown up Bink from
part ten of the Untold Ranger Tales by Indy

17. Tammy in blue color pens (from some unnamed and unfinished story)

18. Lahwhinie takes Chip away from Tammy and Dale color pens (from some unnamed and unfinished story)

19. Tammy and Dale color pens (from some unnamed and unfinished story)

20. Tammy and Chip pencil sketch (from nowhere)

21. Tammy climbing pencil sketch (from the 'Before and After' story. Book 1.)

22. Tammy's face pencil sketch (from nowhere)

23. Tammy in the wind - the one I really like :) pencil sketch (from nowhere)

24. Tammy balancing pencil sketch (from the 'Before and After' story. Book 2.)

25. Curious Tammy pencil sketch (from nowhere)

26. Sad Tammy in a car pencil sketch (from the unfinished 'Hollywood' story)

27. Scared Tammy pencil sketch (from the unfinished 'Hollywood' story)

Sep 6, 2003

28. Zipper and Queenie on their wedding day



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